Spring is starting to appear all around us now, and with it comes that burst of cleaning energy that transforms dark winter homes into bright summer homes. It’s hard to resist that urge to clean the windows and walls and get rid of any sense of hibernation that may still be lingering.
Here at Crofts Dental Practice in Essex, we get the urge to spring clean your teeth too, so why not come in for some dental hygiene and get your teeth ready for summer too.
Winter is a time of warm puddings, hot teas and coffees, red wine and chocolate, all of which can leave their mark on your teeth. If you run your tongue over them, can you feel the build-up of plaque and tartar?
Teeth cleaning at home
It’s not that you have not been cleaning your teeth properly. At least, it isn’t if you’ve been cleaning them twice a day for 2 minutes with a soft-bristled brush and fluoride toothpaste. And it certainly isn’t if you’ve also been flossing once a day and using interdental brushes to remove trapped food. It’s just that plaque never stops growing on the surfaces of your mouth and it can be hard to get out from some places, such as between the teeth and around the gum line.
Why we need to get rid of plaque
Plaque is the main cause of most dental issues. The bacteria that make up plaque give off acids that eat away at tooth enamel. These same acids also attack the gums, inflaming and irritating them, making them bleed. Then they get under the gum and start to corrode your tooth roots and jawbone. The end result of decay and gum disease, after not a little pain, is tooth loss. This is why getting rid of plaque is so important.
Deep cleans with the dental hygienist
Most people need to come in twice a year for a session with the hygienist, who has special tools to remove plaque and tartar. Depending on how bad the build-up is, you may need either one or two sessions to clear it. Then a quick polish and you are all set for spring.
Book a session now.