Uneven teeth

You may find having uneven or misaligned teeth to be an eyesore, but find metal braces as equally unattractive. Or it may be that you have delayed getting braces in your childhood and now feel uneasy walking around with visible braces in adulthood. You may not warm to the idea of wearing metal braces at a professional workplace and would prefer a more subtle alternative. If that is the case, Six Month Smiles Essex may be the perfect solution to all your concerns.


What can this treatment do?

At Crofts Dental Practice we believe Six Month Smiles Essex provides an innovative solution for adults who are looking to get straighter teeth without having to wait for so long to achieve the results. Six Month Smiles as a straightening system works similarly to traditional metal braces, but these devices are easier to fit on and adjust, on top of being almost completely undetectable and taking less than half the amount of time to provide visible results. This treatment can be used to treat a variety of cosmetic concerns that you may have including uneven teeth and misalignment. It is important to note that unlike traditional braces, Six Month Smiles focus more on the cosmetic aspect of your teeth, making them appear more aligned and therefore cannot be used as a substitute for other dental treatments that target issues such as underbites and crowded teeth.

What are the benefits?

Six Month Smiles Essex are becoming increasingly popular, and the reasons for this are many. Unlike with traditional metal braces which most of the time need to be worn for a minimum of a year, the average time the treatment takes to complete is six months. The braces are clear brackets and consist of tooth-coloured wires making them barely visible and giving them a more natural look as opposed to metal braces which are highly visible and can often become discoloured or stained. They are a lot more comfortable than traditional braces as they do not apply as much pressure and the treatment is not as prolonged. Finally, the treatment is less expensive than having traditional braces or veneers.

How do they work?

Six Month Smiles are a set of clear brackets that are bonded to the surface of your teeth and then tightened with wires that are suited to your natural tooth colour. An impression is first taken of your teeth in order for customised trays to be made in a laboratory, so that the dentist can place the new braces onto your teeth with an excellent fit.


Once the procedure is complete you will be expected to visit the dentist once a month so that they may make any necessary adjustments to help your teeth move into position. You may also find you need to make slight changes to your oral care in order to ensure that the brackets are not damaged. You can do this by rinsing your mouth out with water to dislodge any remaining food particles. When brushing your teeth, make sure to angle the toothbrush bristles downwards so as to brush on top of each of the brackets. Additionally, you will need to wear a retainer to keep your new teeth in their desired position. You can choose either a removable retainer or one that is permanently bonded to the back of your teeth.